Personal Visual Identity System

I chose the last character of my name to represent myself because I have two sisters who share the second character "韻" with me,which made me feel that "嘉" is what really belongs to me.

There are three versions :

I took away part the "口" (which means 'mouth' in Chinese) from the "嘉". I am not a talktive person, and therefore I feel this modification would be appropriate.

This is an envelope and letter combo.
I made the envelope white so the entire feeling would not so heavy at all when go with letter.

In this version, I use the shape and meaning of the character "嘉", which looks similar to another character "喜", which meaning auspicious in chinese. These two characters together - "嘉喜", is "to bring auspiciousness (to family)".

In this version, the "喜" is shown in red. Traditionally, Chinese wedding ceremonies have this word displayed. In order to differentiate my VI's look from wedding related themes, I used a darker shade of red.

In this version, the card is double-side and more casual.
"Chia" is the third character of my name in Chinese pronunciation. Since I love "Tails" - the fox in SEGA's famous game "Sonic" when I was a child, I drew a fox to represent myself.

This is the backside of the business card.
I think life is a jouney to pursue what you love; as someone who enjoys cooking,playing basketball, I draw the fox that is chasing after these activities happily.
And I also have a sweet tooth :)

Envelope and letter combo :
The backside of the envelope is orange-colored,which is corresponds to the backside of business card.