"Along the River During the Ch'i-ming Festival" Exploring System

Team member:Ying-Ruei Chen
This was the projects that collaborated with National Palace Museum.

'Along the River During the Ch'i-ming Festival' is one of the masterpieces in Chinese painting,and because of its lengthy size,35.6 x 1152.8 cm, it is not easy for someone to browse. National Palace Museum would like to have an convenient way to exhibit it,introducing this exquisite painting to more public.

Interactive Multi-resolution Tabletop:i-m-Top,is a tangible interface let allow user to interact with their finger directly.Different from Microsoft Serface, i-m-Top has two resolution, with high resolution in center and low resolution in other area.

These are the screen shots that run on simulator. The hole in right part is the area in high resolution,which appeared on the left side.

Initially, the picture would flow slowly on the screen, and there is a blue disc placed at the bottom-right corner.

Once the user touches the disc, it would move to the center and expand to five categories.

On choosing any category, it splashes a group of cards,which carries the image and information corresponding to that category.The cards could be scaled, rotated, moved by fingers with some gestures.

Selected one of the cards, the painting would scroll to the position of that card, and user could flip the card to read what is going on that spot.

Video About imTop

Introduction of 'Along the River During the Ch'i-ming Festival'
National Palace Museum